Have you got questions about The Best Wedding App? We’ve got you covered! Here are a list of our most frequently asked questions.If we have not listed your question, please feel free to get in touch with our team at support@thebestweddingapp.com

What is The Best Wedding App?
How much does it cost?
Am I locked in to a contract?
How do I access my listing?
The App
How do I get help?
How do I join as a wedding supplier?
Once I create my listing can I edit it?
How do I add more photos to my listing?
What are your T & C’s?
Do you have any guidelines we need to follow?
Is The Best Wedding App offering the product to us?
How do I retrieve my password?
How do I delete my profile?
How do I enter a promo code?
What is Stripe and is it secure?
Is my information secure?
My payment did not go through, what do I do now?
There seems to be technical difficulties on the app, what do I do?
What is the spotlight on supplier?
How do I get an Instagram and Facebook feature?
Can I cancel my booking with a supplier that I have found through The Best Wedding App?
Can I review a supplier?
I love using The Best Wedding App.
How do I cancel my listing?
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